Tuesday, March 24, 2009


This new location has been tested and proven for a couple of months now and it a definite improvement over the parking lot on Southern and Dorsey. Unfortunately it is a longer haul for some people, including myself. But it does bring the polo games closer to the Phoenix crowd, so now they have even less excuse for not playing...

Polo is now at:

Perry Park, 31st and Virginia, Phoenix. Fence enclosure means alot less chasing the ball down...

Games start roughly 7:30pm on Monday nights. There is also now a Ladies only game and a Beginners only game on Monday nights, provided there are enough of each category present and ready to play.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Oh, that's right. Bring it.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Fat Tire Beer Festival Oct. 11th

Bike polo will be presented at the Fat Tire Beer Festival @ Tempe Beach Park on Saturday October 11th. Many thanks to New Belgium Brewery in Fort Collins for bringing their awesome parade to our locale, and for being open to showcasing hardcourt bike polo.

As of now I am not sure how this will all play out, but I do know that AZFIXED.COM and it's many contributors will be representing and helping out with polo and other facets of the event. Look for the AZFIXED tent set up to see all the polo bikes, alleycat info and t-shirts, as well as a load of good people having a great time and happy to talk bikes all day long...

Here is the first copy of the flyer I am printing to hand out at the event. Hopefully it will serve both as a reminder of where to go to find us play or find us online, but on the back is a blank side so you can make some notes about how much of a jackass you are acting like so you remember it all after the hangover wears off. Just sayin...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Monday, Sept. 8th

RIP IT. It seems that people were having a particularly hard time this week keeping the rubber side down. Some most excellent crashing, some skillfull plays and some... alchohol abuse.

Ahem... And some psycho-core butt punk all night long! Perhaps that had something to do with the upswing in violent crashing. That, and Ryan taking himself out with his mallet to the front spokes. Classic.

Next week there will be more photos to go with these posts... and hopefully some videos soon as well. Thanks to everyone who played and/or contributed!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

This past monday, a lower turnout due to the holiday. Labor day wound up being a painful way to start the week for me, two solid crashes and I have bruises all over and my tailbone feels like someone hit it with a hammer. It seems like every week we have a new player, this week's n00b was Zeke, a friend of Chad's and a newfound neighbor of mine. He played well, as did Mike from Rebel Art Tattoo. Some technical issues got us started off late, and for some reason the beer count was off the charts. I like that trend... Glad to have all the interest, see you all next week!

Remember, Mondays 8pm, NWC of Southern and Dorsey. I can't post bulletins so I might just repost that info every week. See ya then!

Friday, August 29, 2008

First post...

So here we are, about 8 weeks into the AZ bike polo scene since Dave and Chad lit the fuse. The popularity has been a rocket almost out of control. This site is for anyone who shows up and loves the game, or anyone interested in showing up and seeing what the game is all about...